Our Crowded Planet

Considering the many hazards of over population on our planet, this web page author from the “Back Forty” is quite concerned about that very contentious subject of Birth Control. I believe that there are acceptable methods without having to resort to artificial Abortion. Nature has her own several birth-control “devices” which medical science is currently trying to negate in order to produce more little people. I wish to comment on these. They form a very contentious issue right now in government and in religious fields.

It seems that the Creator sees fit to allow some individuals, both male and female, to be born who either are not capable of reproducing their kind or have no desire to do so, (Gays and Lesbians). For those individuals, either male or female who were born sterile or other ways incapable of reproducing, medical reproductive science has found ways of correcting the situation and so increasing the yield of babies. Artificial insemination and fertilization are both unnatural procedures requiring these contentious as well as hazardous “egg banks” and “sperm banks” for the process. At the present time there is a heated debate surrounding these various methods of unnatural child reproduction. The “Back Forty” believes that since God through Mother Nature is trying to help us limit Population Growth, we should follow up and help them in all the ways that we can. There are certain vested interests concerned in population growth, so it behooves us, who are concerned, to work against these vested interests of gregarious man.

Then there is that other Nature contrived device of having “Gays” and “Lesbians” born into our society. Well I think that we had better get around to accepting these natural human beings as natural members of society, our society. They are all doing their part in a unique role of Population Control. Let us so honor them and accord them equal opportunity in our culture, our work place and in our society. After all these folks have been in our world society for as long as the human race has been racing.

Timothy Haystubble – (Grass Roots Philosopher)

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